Skjerm packlands

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Lullaby 0 115 by Lullaby
Nov 27, 2006 18:42:46 GMT -5


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Skjerm packlands

This is considered to be the very first pack lands, stretching 6,000miles and with a width of 2,200miles. Near the lake the land is most swamp land, but many fallen logs have given its inhabitants passage through the murky waters. The trees grow high in the waters and near the swamp lands, providing many squirrels and birds as food, but they are not the only things to hunt. Deer’s, rabbits, and even moose can be found in this land, though it is rare for a moose to be found. But this is not all swamp land, out of the swamp forest are rolling hills with thick grass waving with the wind, and at night the grass glows a dark color with cliffs at the east of the lands boarders. The moon always shows in the night, which is strange, also any night creature can survive in the swamp lands for the trees provide shade.
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